پنجشنبه, ۲۳ اسفند ۱۴۰۳

CV in English

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1. Personal Details:

First Name: Vahid
Surname: Mahmoudi
Nationality: Iranian
Place of Birth: Fars,Iran
Address (Office): Department of Finance, University of Tehran, Jalal-Al-Ahmad St, Post Code: 14155-6311, Tehran, Iran
Tel. +98-21-9125238269; Fax: +98-21-88006477

2. Qualification:

Ph.D. in Economics, University Of Essex, UK, 2001.

3. Job Position:

- Full Professor, Department of Finance, University of Tehran (2013 up to now).
- Associate Professor, Department of Finance, University of Tehran (2009-2013).
- Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, University of Tehran (2003-2008).
- Visiting Professor, University of California Riverside (2009-2010)

4. Course Taught(for BA., MA. and PhD. Students):

- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Economic Development and Planning
- Managerial Economics
- Public Finance
- Health Economics
- Public Productivity
- Development Management

5. Publications:

1- Suitable Culture: A pre – requisite for Economic Development, Iranian Ministry of Culture, Tehran, 1993.
2-Education for Development, Etellat, at Political and Economical Journal), No, 80, Tehran, 1994.
3-Iran’s Cultural Characteristic Qualified, Journal of New Events in Iranian Economy, No. 39, Tehran, 1994.
4- Forecasting the Population of Iranian Yazd Province Through Using “Cohort Survival” Model, Journal of Daneshvar, Shahed University, No. 6, Tehran, 1995.
5- Estimating the Degree of Development in Iranian Yazd Province), Journal of Daneshvar, Shahed University, No,7, 8, Tehran, 1995, P.4.
6- Estimating the Degree of Agricultural Development in Various Towns of Iranian Yazd Province), Scientific – Research Quarterly of Iranian Ministry of Agriculture), Tehran, 1996. P. 5.
7- Estimating the Degree of Cultural Fruition of the Provinces of Iran), Majaleh Daneshvar (Journal of Danshvar), 1998.
8- The Importance of Adjustment Factors to the choice of poverty ordering, unpublished 2001.
9- Comments on the Iranian scheme on welfare and social security, Journal of Iranian Parliament, No 33, 2001.
10- Measuring poverty in Iran, Journal of Iranian Business Research, No 24, 2001.
11- Proposing a new Methodology for Decomposing Poverty in two terms of Growth and Redistribution effects, Journal of Iranian Economic Research, 2002.
12- Socio-economic and Regional Decomposition of Poverty in Iran, Iranian Journal of Research and policy of economic, No 25, 2002.
13- Corruption and Development, Iranian Journal of Politics and Economics, No 189-190, 2002.
14- Convergence in Economics thinking, Iranian Journal of Politics and Economics, No 222, 2005.
15- Poverty as Capability Deprivation, Iranian Journal of Social Welfare, No 17, 2005.
16- Cooperatives and Development, Iranian Journal of Politics and Economics, No 217-218, 2005.
17- The Experience of Cooperatives in Malaysia, Iranian Journal of Hamyar, No 25, 2005.
18- Human Capability and Human Development, Iranian Journal of Politics and Economics, No 226, 2006.
19- Iranian Development Vision and Government Role on Social Welfare Issues, Iranian Journal of Kamal Modereat, No 9, 2006.
20- Concept of Capability in Economics Analyses, Iranian Journal of Economic Research, No 25, 2007.
21- The Capability –Oriented Development approach and its operational Dimension's, Iranian Journal of Business, No 12, 2007.
22- On Development and Democracy, Iranian Journal of Politics and Economics, No 241, 2008.
23- Poverty Profile in Iran, University of California, Discussion Paper, Feb, 2009.
24- Consumption Distribution in Iran: a statistical overview, Iranian Economic Review, Volume 10, No.12, 2005.
25- Managing Change Initiatives: Fantasy or Reality? The Case of Public Sector Organizations, Journal of Total Quality Management, Vol. 18, Nos. 1-2, 153-179, January- March 2007.
26- The Residual Growth: Human Capital or Social Capital? The Case of Iran, Empirical Economic Letters, No 8(11), November, 2009.
27- The Validity of Gibart’s Law: evidence from manufacturing industry in Iran, International Business and Economics Journal, Vol 9, No 2, February, 2010.
28- How do investors react to the earning announcements? Vol. 70, July, 2011.
29- Poverty Changes during the Three Recent Development Plans in Iran (1995-2009), African and Asian Studies, VOL. 10, NO. 3, 2011.
30- Robust Growth - Equity Decomposition of Change in Poverty: The Case of Iran (2000-2009), The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, VOL. 53, Issue 3, 2013.
31- Fuzzy Portfolio Optimization under down Risk measure by differential evolutionary algorithm, Journal of Emergencias, Vol. 2, No. 3, June 2014.
32- Real estate investment versus other investment opportunities in different time horizons in Iran, forthcoming, 2014.
33- The Effect of Corruption on Economic Growth, under review
34- The Impact of Government Expenditures on Economic Growth in Iran, Pacific Economic Review Journal, forthcoming.
35- Energy consumption and economic growth in the Iranian economy: Testing the causality relationship, Energy Policy Journal, under review.
36- The Capability approach as new development paradigm.
37- Continuous Dynamical Model for SMEs Active in Electronic Market.
38- Poverty, Leisure-labor and the capability approach.
39- Redefining the cooperatives concept through the capability approach.
40- Optimization and Equilibrium in the Clubs: Decision Making to Choosing for Public or Private Hospitals/Schools.
41- Performance Assessment of Valuation Models in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE).
42- The relationship between economic growth and electricity consumption in the Iranian economy Sectors.

6. Current Research:

1. The Capability approach as new development paradigm
2. Continuous Dynamical Model for SMEs Active in Electronic Market.
3. Poverty, Leisure-labor and the capability approach.
4. Redefining the cooperatives concept through the capability approach
5. Micro Finance

7. Conferences:

1- Poverty, inequality and growth; Iranian student in Europe’s Conference, Manchester 1998.
2- Decomposition of poverty in terms of growth and redistribution components; Young Economist's Conference 2000, University of Oxford March 2000.
3- Growth - equity Decomposition of a change in poverty: a new methodology; WIDER conference on growth and poverty, World Institute for Development Economic Research, the United Nation University, Helsinki, Finland, 2001.
4- Changes in poverty in Iran, International Economics Conference in Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, September 2001.
5- Poverty Decomposition; the International Business and Economics Research Conference, Reno City, Nevada, USA, October 2001.
6- An Empirical Comparisons of Stochastic Dominance Methods, The International Applied Business Research conference, Mexico, march 2002.
7- Eight Approaches on Process Management, European Conference on IT Evaluation, 25-26 September, Madrid, Spain.
8- The Freedom – oriented Approach: The Necessity of Linking Up With The Global Economy, 1st International Symposium – Cum – Workshop on “Sustainable Resource Utilization: Local Structures vs Globalization”, 14-18 September 2003, Tehran, Iran.
9- Human Capital, Human Capability, International Economic Research Conference, Edinbrou, UK, June 2004.
10- Poverty Profile in Iran; Applied Business Research Conference, Florence, Italy, June, 2006.
11- Case Study Evidence on Managing Service Quality, In Kumar, A. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 12th World Congress for TQM: Developing Competence to Improve Business Performance for Rapid Change in the 21st Century” (pp. 1-20), 27th and 28th September, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2007.
12- Gibrat’s law, a survey, Business and development conference, Rothenberg, Germany, 2009.
13- The validity of Gibart’s law: evidence from manufacturing industry in Iran, International Business and Economics Journal, February 2010.
14- Decomposition of a change in poverty in terms of growth and redistribution (2000- 2004), Conference on Iran’s Economy, University of Chicago & University of Illinois, Chicago, October 15-17, 2010.
15- Poverty Changes during the Three Recent Development Plans in Iran (1995-2009), Conference on Islamic Micro Finance, Malaysia, December 8-9, 2010.
16- On Gender Composition of Iranian Active Population and Women’s Capabilities and its Roles in Economic Development, EBES Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, May 24-26, 2012.
17- On Poverty, leisure- labor and the Capability Approach, August, 13- 15, Munich, Germany 2014.


8. Books:


1- Development as Freedom, Amartya Sen (translated in Persian), 2002.

2- On Economics Inequality, Amartya Sen (translated in Persian), 2006.
3- The Idea of Justice, Amartya Sen (translated in Persian), 2012.
4- Rationality and Freedom, Amartya Sen (translated in Persian), 2015.
5- Measuring Poverty and Income Distribution in Iran, (in Persian) 2008.
6- Cooperatives and Development, (in Persian), 2009.
7- Public Finance, (in Persian), 2011.
8- Economic Development Todaro and Smith (translated in Persian), 2012.
9- Child Poverty, (in Persian), 2013.
10- Sustainable Development (in Persian), 2014.
11- Human Capability and Development, (in Persian) forthcoming, 2015.

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